Mina Al-Oraibi is the Editor in Chief of The National, a daily English language regional newspaper based in Abu Dhabi. An Iraqi-British journalist, Mina has over 15 years of experience covering Middle Eastern, European and American affairs. Prior to assuming her role at The National, Mina was a Senior Fellow at the Institute for State Effectiveness (ISE) and a Yale World Fellow. At ISE, Mina is working on developing policy recommendations for improved governance in the Arab world, with a focus on Iraq and Syria. Before starting her fellowship at Yale, Mina was the Assistant Editor-in-Chief of Asharq Alawsat, the international Arab-language daily newspaper 2011-2015. She has written extensively on US and European policies in the Middle East, in addition to conducting several high profile interviews including with US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, Iraqi President Barham Salih, and UNHCR High Commissioner Filippo Grandi. Mina is an Advisor to the Global Dignity Day Movement, a trustee of the American University in Iraq - Sulaimani and a Young Global Leader.