Lamees Hamdan

Former Curator, UAE Pavilion Venice Bienalle; Serial Entrepreneur

By training, Dr Lamees is a medical doctor and a graduate of the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, and extensively studied alternative therapies of southeast Asia, Europe and the Middle East. She is a believer in a healthier lifestyle and in 2004 launched her natural organic beauty company Shiffa. In 2019 Dr Lamees launched a nutritional line of clean supplements, DL.MD in the US and is currently studying for her fellowship in Integrative medicine. Dr Lamees is one of the Middle East’s active member in the arts. She spearheaded and acted as curator for the UAE’s first and subsequent participation at the La Biennale de Venezia from 2007 to 2011. She was awarded the Cavaliere (honorary Knighthood) from the President of the Republic of Italy for her efforts in bringing Middle Eastern Arts to Italy in 2007. Dr Lamees is the co-chair of the Guggenheim NYC Middle Eastern Circle and an active member of the arts in the region and abroad supporting many art talks and publications. She currently is also part of the friends of Abu Dhabi Art and the Patrons circle of Art Dubai. Dr Lamees lives in the UAE with her husband and 4 children.