Christopher Mores

Professor and Program Director, Global Health Epidemiology and Disease Control, MPH Program, George Washington University School of Public Health

Dr. Mores is an arbovirologist, whose research program focuses on the relative roles of vector, vertebrate, viral and system characteristics in determining transmission potential. He holds a Master of Science in Tropical Public Health and Doctor of Science in Immunology and Infectious Diseases from Harvard University. Dr. Mores completed postdoctoral training in vector-borne and viral hemorrhagic fever viruses as a National Research Council Fellow at the United States Army Medical Research Institute for Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID). Dr. Mores responded to the West Africa ebolavirus outbreak in 2014- 15 with the Irish NGO GOAL as an infection prevention and control specialist and surveillance lead. He was previously the head of the Virology and Emerging Infections Department at the US Naval Research Unit No. 6 in Peru, during which he investigated the initial Zika virus outbreak in the Americas. Dr. Mores is a Professor in the Department of Global Health at the Milken Institute School of Public Health, where he is Director of a laboratory in high containment research laboratory, and continues to work closely with the US government and industry on countermeasures to emerging disease threats.