Chris Dercon

President, Réunion des Musées Nationaux Grand Palais; former Director, Tate Modern, London

Chris Dercon is a Belgian art historian and curator. He currently serves as the President of Réunion des Musées Nationaux-Grand Palais in Paris. He is the former director of Tate Modern in London and former intendent of the Theatre Volksbühne in Berlin. Dercon studied art history, theatre and film theory in the Netherlands. He has worked as a documentary filmmaker and cultural producer. Before joining the Tate, he was founding director of Witte de With in Rotterdam (1990–95), and director of the Museum Boijmans van Beuningen in the same city (1996–2003), and of Haus der Kunst in Munich (2003–11). He is currently serving of the boards of several international museums.