Dominic Jermey

Director General, Zoological Society of London

Dominic Jermey (CVO OBE) is the Director General for The Zoological Society of London (ZSL). Dominic is responsible for leading ZSL in its goal of achieving the global conservation of animals and their habitats. Leading the formulation and implementation of a new strategy for ZSL, Dominic is positioning ZSL as a global wildlife conservation organisation, undertaking conservation and science projects in over 50 countries, engaging over a million visitors to its two world-class Zoos (ZSL London Zoo and ZSL Whipsnade Zoo) on wildlife-related issues and carrying out world-class wildlife science at ZSL's Institute of Zoology. Dominic was previously British Ambassador to Afghanistan, Previously at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) as Counter-terrorism Coordinator after being CEO of UK Trade and Investment and on the Boards of both the FCO and BIS, the Department for Business. Earlier Dominic spent four years responsible for UK relations with the United Arab Emirates as UK Ambassador. Previously, Dominic led UK Government support to companies in high innovation sectors of the UK economy as they diversified internationally at UK Trade and Investment. Dominic has been a trustee of an international development NGO for ten years.