Bart Turtelboom

CEO and Executive Director, APQ Global

Bart Turtelboom is the Chief Executive Officer of APQ Global Limited, a London-listed investment company. He started his career at the International Monetary Fund where he published extensively on international monetary policy, including ground-breaking research on interest rate liberalization in Africa. After a brief stint trading emerging markets on the buy-side, Bart joined Morgan Stanley’s emerging markets group in 2004, leading to his appointment as global co-head of emerging markets sales and trading in 2006 and head of Morgan Stanley’s Emerging Markets Capital Market Group in Europe. On 15 September 2008, Bart joined GLG Partners to lead its emerging markets practice. During his career, Bart has worked on ground-breaking transactions in emerging markets, including the first transaction involving Russian Paris-Club debt, the issuance of the largest Eurobonds denominated in Mexican Peso, ground-breaking currency hedging transactions in Turkey and multi-billion dollar lending facilities in the CIS. Bart obtained his PhD in Economics at Columbia University.