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October 20 at 11:30 am PDT/2:30 pm EDT


Young demographics and decisive government leadership spared many African countries from worst-case COVID-19 scenarios early on. But the pandemic has sent the continent into its first recession in 25 years. What is the path for recovery? How can African countries build back better, in a way that can secure resilience and more broadly shared prosperity? What role will African youth, rising entrepreneurs, and digital technologies play in the transformation of economies and markets across the continent?


Paula Ingabire
Minister of ICT and Innovation, Republic of Rwanda

Malado Kaba
Former Minister of Economy and Finance of the Republic of Guinea; Chairwoman, Orabank Guinea; CEO, Faleme Advisory Consulting

Vivian Nwakah
Founder and CEO, Medsaf

Arunma Oteh
Academic Scholar, Oxford University; former Vice President and Treasurer, World Bank to Africa



Raj Kumar
President and Editor-in-Chief, Devex