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Registration for the 11th annual Asia Summit in Singapore September 18-20 is now open!

Hedge Funds: Managing a Volatile Market

Hedge Funds: Managing a Volatile Market

October 14 at 7:15 am PDT/10:15 am EDT


The outbreak of the pandemic and ensuing market drop have delivered the volatility that hedge funds usually thrive on. But, given the swift recovery and the shortest US recession in history, has that investment window closed? Or is volatility here to stay as continued lockdowns strain the economy? While many investors bet on technology and biotech, what market segments are being overlooked or restricted to those with expertise? And given investors' search for yield and willingness to pay a premium for consistent returns, is the debate over excessive fees overdone?



Gregory Zuckerman

Special Writer, The Wall Street Journal; Author, "The Man Who Solved The Market: How Jim Simons Launched the Quant Revolution"



Mala Gaonkar

Managing Director, Portfolio Manager, Lone Pine Capital

Panayiotis Lambropulos

Portfolio Manager, Employees Retirement System of Texas

Morris Mark

Managing Partner, Mark Asset Management

Ricky Sandler

Founder, CEO and Chief Investment Officer, Eminence Capital

