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October 15 at 1:30 pm PDT/4:30 pm EDT


Development finance institutions (DFIs) have a critical role in helping to mobilize the $2.5 trillion of annual private capital needed to finance the sustainable development goals (SDGs): in other words, to help create attractive investment opportunities by providing concessionary finance, guarantees, anchor investments, and technical assistance. A perspective on the investment landscape will clarify the functions where DFI intervention is most needed. A review of recent activity will identify the DFIs that are stepping up, those that aren't, and why. DFIs are not all alike: It's essential to know the type that's most effective in achieving a particular goal. There are courses of action that will accelerate the effectiveness of a DFI as a bridger and blender. Find out who needs to take them.



Amit Bouri
CEO, Global Impact Investing Network

Joan Larrea
CEO, Convergence

Nancy Lee
Senior Fellow, Center for Global Development

Monish Mahurkar
Vice President, Corporate Strategy & Resources, IFC World Bank Group



Alison Harwood
Senior Fellow, Global Market Development, Milken Institute