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The elimination of the draft in the 1970s and two long wars in recent years have resulted in an increasing cultural disconnect between a professional military service and a general public detached from their efforts. While the generations who lived through World War II were defined and bound together by their shared sacrifice and participation. Could an all-volunteer military force be an antidote for the deep divisiveness of our times? Experts will examine how a call to service on behalf of the nation, whether in the military or another capacity, could begin to reshape us into a more civil and compassionate society centered around our shared values.

Kevin Klowden
Executive Director, Center for Regional Economics and California Center, Milken Institute

Cutler Dawson
President and CEO, Navy Federal Credit Union

Susan Eisenhower
Chairman and CEO, The Eisenhower Group, Inc.

Mark Graham
Senior Director, Rutgers University Behavioral Health Care (UBHC) National Call Center; Retired Major General, U.S. Army

Blaine Holt
Chief Operating Officer, Braidy Industries, Retired Brigadier General, USAF

Andrew Peek
Deputy Assistant Secretary, Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs, U.S. Department of State