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Registration for the 11th annual Asia Summit in Singapore September 18-20 is now open!

Credit Markets: Balancing Public and Private Debt

Credit Markets: Balancing Public and Private Debt

October 18 at 11:30 am PDT/2:30 pm EDT

The last year has seen not only a record issuance of debt, but also a continuation of falling yields across ratings. And with little indication of change in public markets, investors are pivoting to private and securitized debt as asset managers raise record sums. However, while dislocation has created opportunity and premium above similar public credit, the main risks are fading stimulus, rising defaults, and slower than expected return to pre-COVID revenue. How can investors secure adequate yield without overextending risk in a volatile market


Staci Warden
Board Member, Algorand Foundation; former Executive Director, Global Market Development, Milken Institute


David M. Brackett
CEO, Antares Capital

Jeff Cohen
Global Head of Leveraged and Acquisition Finance, Credit Suisse

John Kim
Co-Founder, CEO and Chief Investment Officer, Panagram

Carl Meyer
CEO and Chief Investment Officer, Silver Rock Financial LP

Anne Walsh
Chief Investment Officer, Fixed Income, Guggenheim Partners
