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Interview with Nurse Cherish Samuel: On the Frontlines of COVID-19 Treatment in Lagos State, Nigeria

Interview with Nurse Cherish Samuel: On the Frontlines of COVID-19 Treatment in Lagos State, Nigeria

COVID-19 Africa Watch discusses the COVID-19 crisis in Nigeria and how people can stay safe with Cherish Samuel, a registered nurse working at a COVID-19 isolation and treatment center in Lagos State.

Key Takeaways

The following are a few of the main takeaways from COVID-19 Africa Watch’s conversation with Nurse Cherish Samuel, who works in the Eti-Osa COVID-19 Isolation and Treatment Centre in Lagos State, Nigeria:

The Eti-Osa Isolation Centre has a 76-bed ward and ten ICU beds. It was established as a public-private partnership and is “always full.”
Nurse Cherish urges Nigerians to get their information on COVID-19 from the Nigeria Centre for Disease Control (NCDC).
Citizens should protect themselves and others by maintaining social distance, wearing masks, and coughing into their arms, not the open air.
Nurse Cherish urges people to get tested if they show symptoms of COVID-19 – loss of the sense of smell or taste, coughing, and fever – and not to self-medicate.

The interview was conducted by John Schellhase, Associate Director for Global Market Development at the Milken Institute.
