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When ordinary people break through their limits to accomplish extraordinary feats, they inspire the rest of us. Such is the case with Olympic and Paralympic athletes, who often train for decades and make sacrifices others can't imagine, all for the quadrennial opportunity to experience the ultimate glory in their sport--representing their nations at the highest level of competition. Join a group of heroes as they share their secrets of success, their strategies for overcoming challenges and their incredible stories.

Gene Sykes, CEO, LA2024; Managing Director, Goldman, Sachs & Co.

Janet Evans, U.S. Olympic Athlete, Swimming
Allyson Felix, U.S. Olympic Athlete, Track and Field
Apolo Ohno, U.S. Olympic Athlete, Speed Skating; Chairman and Founder, Allysian Sciences Inc.
Sarah Reinertsen, U.S. Paralympic Athlete, Nike Runner and Ironman Triathlete