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Fending off incursions from ambitious disruptors, traditional financial powerhouses are looking to co-opt technologies pioneered by their challengers. From improving credit decisions through ever-deepening datasets to expanding investments in the Internet of Things and blockchain technology, the financial industry is rewiring its business models and its workforce. What do these changes mean for talent acquisition and team structure? How are they transforming access to finance in the U.K., Europe, and elsewhere? Can regulation keep pace? If not, what are the implications for financial stability and resilience?

Izabella Kaminska, FT Alphaville Blogger, ‎Financial Times

Geoffrey Duncombe, Chief Investment Officer, Two Sigma Advisers

Antony Jenkins, Founder and Executive Chair, 10x Future Technologies

Brian Oliver, Head of FICC Sales & Relationship Management, Europe & Asia, Citadel Securities

Omar Selim, CEO and Founder, Arabesque Partners

Anthony Todd, CEO and Founder, Aspect Capital