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Over the past decade, business courses, magazines, and media outlets have overflowed with advice and research on how companies can "create a culture of innovation." Recommendations such as embrace failure, eliminate hierarchy, be transparent, and promote diversity in thought, have provided a guidebook for innovation in business, but do we know the components necessary to create a global culture of biomedical innovation? Who are the players best suited to push the boundaries of innovation around the world? How do we know we are achieving a culture of innovation? What metrics can help us measure success?



Mike Rea
CEO, IDEA Pharma


Christopher Austin
Director, National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences, National Institutes of Health

Amitabh Chandra
Malcolm Wiener Professor of Social Policy and Director of Health Policy Research, Harvard Kennedy School of Government

Margaret Hamburg
Foreign Secretary, National Academy of Medicine

Jennifer Miller
Founder, Bioethics International; Assistant Professor, Yale School of Medicine

Jason Spangler
Executive Director, Value, Quality and Medical Policy, Amgen