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Resilient adults begin with resilient youth. Today, anxiety leads a host of mental health issues on the rise among young people, with a 20 percent uptick in recent years. Bullying is a prevalent and serious problem in schools. Relationship violence has risen to alarming rates in the U.S. A key to raising resilient adults is raising young people with healthy attitudes towards themselves, one another, and the world around them. Hear from some of the most prominent voices working to create a movement to develop young people with healthy minds, healthy bodies, and healthy relationships. The health of our society—and our economy—depends on it.


June Henton
Dean, College of Human Sciences, Auburn University



Ted Bunch
Chief Development Officer and Co-Founder, A CALL TO MEN


Nadine Burke Harris
Surgeon General, State of California


Cynthia Germanotta
President and Co-Founder, Born This Way Foundation


Katie Hood
CEO, One Love Foundation


Sherrie Westin
President, Global Impact and Philanthropy, Sesame Workshop