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December 7 at 10:30 am PT/1:30 pm ET


The bad news: Cancer did not take a break during the COVID-19 pandemic, and thousands of people had to forego or postpone cancer treatments and care due to the downstream effects of the virus. Preventive screenings and anti-cancer treatments were suspended to save hospital capacity and for fear of viral contagion. Nearly 1,000 cancer clinical trials were stalled. The good news: Innovations from the cancer community have boosted our understanding and approach to COVID-19. Novel applications of real-world data, use of oncology treatments with anti-COVID effect, trial innovations—these and other advances in oncology have influenced COVID-19 management. This panel of experts will discuss the current and potential long-term ramifications of COVID-19 for cancer care and research. A key challenge: How to leverage innovations in oncology to compensate for postponed research and treatments.



Jeff Allen
President and CEO, Friends of Cancer Research

Dave Fredrickson
Executive Vice President, Global Head Oncology Business Unit, AstraZeneca

Clifford Hudis
CEO, American Society of Clinical Oncology

Padmanee Sharma
Professor, Departments of Genitourinary Medical Oncology and Immunology, Division of Cancer Medicine, UT MD Anderson Cancer Center

Jonathan Simons
President and CEO, Prostate Cancer Foundation



Clifton Leaf
Editor-in-Chief, FORTUNE