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Business as we know it has changed drastically. Where once we only looked at one bottom line, there are now at least three - environmental, social, and financial performance. The 'triple bottom line', a term coined by John Elkington in his 1997 book 'Cannibals with Forks: The Triple Bottom Line Of 21st Century Business', is more than a marketing ploy as businesses realize that its success also depends on its sustainability. This panel gathers business leaders and influential investors who are embracing sustainability into their businesses, company culture and investment decisions.


Robin Hu, Head of Sustainability and Stewardship Group, Temasek International Pte Ltd


Achal Agarwal, President, Asia-Pacific, Kimberly-Clark Corporation

Sophia Cheng, CIO, Cathay Financial Holdings; Government Affairs Consultant, Executive Yuan of Taiwan

Hiromichi Mizuno, Executive Managing Director and CIO, Government Pension Investment Fund, Japan; Co-Chair, Global Capital Markets Advisory Council, Milken Institute Pier

Luigi Sigismondi, President, Southeast Asia and Australasia, Unilever