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In her bestseller, journalist Emily Chang dubs Silicon Valley "Brotopia," a place where men hold all the cards and make all the rules. Vastly outnumbered, women face workplaces rife with discrimination and are often discouraged or disinterested in entering these environments at all. At a time when women remain significantly underrepresented in STEM fields, we risk suppressing yet another generation of women's inventions, investments, and innovations. With corporate reputations starting to impact bottom lines, there is an opportunity to repair these problematic workplace cultures. Tech industry leaders will discuss how they are challenging the boys' club reputation of the Valley and invigorating their companies by creating diverse and inclusive office environments.

Emily Chang, Anchor, Bloomberg Television

Bo Young Lee, Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officer, Uber
Erin McPherson, Head of Content Strategy, Acquisition and Programming, Verizon
Kara Nortman, Partner, Upfront Ventures; Founding Member, AllRaise
Elaine Paul, Chief Financial Officer, Strategy and Business Development, Hulu
Melissa Waters, Vice President of Marketing, Lyft