Global Britain in a Competitive Age

Amidst the turmoil and uncertainty of the global pandemic, the United Kingdom departed the European Union on January 1 of this year (with a provisional cooperative agreement in place). As host of the next G-7 gathering in June and UN Climate Change Conference in November, opportunities abound for the UK to take on an even greater leadership role in crafting innovative and sustainable solutions to the most pressing challenges of our times, including climate change and health resilience. The government has committed to achieving prosperity through free and fair trade; agreements have already been reached with over 60 non-EU nations, and negotiations continue to strengthen the US-UK Special Relationship through a new trade deal. Please join us for this inaugural session of the Milken Institute's Ambassador Speaker Series as we examine the opportunities in and priorities for a post-Brexit Global Britain with Dame Karen Pierce, the United Kingdom's ambassador to the United States of America.