Asia Summit 2022

Part 1: Leading the Change: Philanthropists as Sustainability Innovators


We live in the midst of a climate emergency, and the stakes are especially high in the Asia-Pacific region. Rising sea levels, natural disasters, and pollution threaten millions of lives and livelihoods. Even so, the region is not on track to reach any of the UN Sustainable Development Goals, and COVID-19 has further hamstrung efforts. Amid these challenges, philanthropic efforts have been instrumental in steering responses in the region. Recognizing the need to work with businesses and governments, foundations and charitable organizations have been on the front lines of mitigating the climate emergency and educating the public on environmental issues. With time running out, how can philanthropy continue to spearhead innovative approaches in Asia? Join us for a candid discussion on how philanthropists are bridging the gap toward sustainability solutions.

    Opening Remarks


    Melissa Petros

    Director of Philanthropy, Asia, Milken Institute



    Melissa Stevens

    Executive Vice President, Philanthropy, Milken Institute



    Anindya Novyan Bakrie

    CEO and President Director, Bakrie & Brothers; Supervisory Board Chairman, Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry

    Kyung Sun Chung

    Co-Founder and Managing Partner, The Sylvan Group

    Poman Lo

    Founding Partner, AlphaTrio

    Nanette Medved-Po

    Founder and Chairwoman, HOPE and Plastic Credit Exchange (PCX)