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Investing for Impact in Emerging and Frontier Markets

Investing for Impact in Emerging and Frontier Markets

Investing for Impact in Emerging and Frontier Markets

The United States and Israel recently agreed to expand collaboration between USAID and MASHAV, Israel's Development Agency of International Cooperation, through co-innovation and the deployment of technology solutions to bolster and foster self-reliance in emerging and frontier markets. Chief among their priorities are the digital deployment and the dissemination of 5G technology and the promotion of policies and programs that support blended finance and impact investing. Join us for a unique discussion with the public and private sector leaders pushing for outcomes-based technological and financial innovations to meet the shared goal of building bridges and investing for impact in emerging and frontier markets. View video of the conference call on our website.


Read the Summary



Glenn Yago




Glenn Yago
Senior Fellow and Founder, Financial Innovations Labs, Milken Institute; Senior Director, Milken Innovation Center, Jerusalem Institute




Panel Experts and Speakers


Bonnie Glick headshot


Bonnie Glick
Deputy Administrator, United States Agency for International Development


Gil Haskel headshot


Ambassador Gil Haskel
Head, MASHAV: Israel’s Agency for International Development Cooperation


Strive Masiyiwa headshot


Strive Masiyiwa
Founder and Executive Chairman, Econet Group






headshot of weldon turner


Weldon Turner
Director, Chief Operating Officer, and Chief Compliance Officer, GigaWatt Global


Malado Kaba headshot


Malado Kaba
Former Minister of Economy and Finance of the Republic of Guinea; Chairwoman, Orabank Guinea; CEO, Faleme Advisory Consulting