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It's the persistent challenge for investors: How can you reduce risk, achieve higher returns and do it at a much lower cost? In this session, global institutional investors will share their views of U.S. investment opportunities, the impact of the new administration and how the interest rate environment drives their investment decisions. Questions to be addressed:

What is the global U.S. market exposure across asset classes such as public and private equity, loans, investment-grade credit and real estate?
Have the 2016 presidential elections and the current political landscape changed your views? What currency considerations are influencing investment decisions?
Will a rise in long-term interest rates in the U.S. have an impact on investments?
What other signals or triggers might prompt you to reassess your investments or adjust your outlook?

Stefan Dunatov, Chief Investment Officer, Coal Pension Trustees Limited; Investment Committee Member, Wellcome Trust

Sophia Cheng, Chief Investment Officer, Cathay Financial Holdings
Lisa Gray, CEO, Victorian Funds Management Corporation
Juan Manuel Valle Pereña, CEO, Afore XXI Banorte
Xiaoliang Zhao, Head, Fixed Income and Absolute Return Department, China Investment Corporation