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Institute Chairman Mike Milken moderates our annual look at the issues shaping the global credit markets. How are corporate bond markets responding to new capital-requirement rules for banks and dealers? What's the outlook for rates over the next year, and how are fixed income investors preparing? What are the opportunities in structured finance - including residential MBS, ABS (such as auto and aircraft finance) and CLOs - and what role is structured finance playing in the overall credit market landscape? What does the shifting global energy landscape mean for creditors? Will persistent concerns about the euro zone lead U.S. investors to turn off the spigot to European issuers, and are those investors finding opportunities in burgeoning economies in Africa, Asia and South America? Is the surge in leveraged covenant-lite loans an ominous sign of things to come? Are fixed income investors savvier today than they were during the crisis, and are credit ratings effectively keeping pace with changing markets?

Moderator: Michael Milken
Speakers: Richard Byrne, Thomas Finke, Michael Hintze, Steven Tananbaum, David Warren