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The statistics are damning: only one in five low-income students attends a four-year college, compared with two-thirds of those from the wealthiest families. In fact, high-performing freshmen from low-income families are only half as likely to earn a bachelor's degree within six years as their counterparts in the top 25 percent of income distribution. In an era when a college degree is the best ticket to a good job and middle-class lifestyle, too many young adults are being locked out. Learning challenges that begin in elementary and secondary school continue to perplex in college. How can school districts address this conundrum? What independent resources are available to students and educators? Can collaborative strategies be scaled to address the issue on a national basis? Are universities and community colleges doing enough - or being effective enough - to not only encourage and enroll poor students, but provide effective support which results in graduation?

Moderator: Goldie Blumenstyk
Speakers: John Baker, Seth Bernstein, Nicholas Dirks, George Weiss