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Precision Medicine and Entrepreneurship: Shaping the Future of Health in Africa?

Precision Medicine and Entrepreneurship: Shaping the Future of Health in Africa?

COVID-19 Africa Watch talks to Dr. Abasi Ene-Obong, CEO of 54gene, about genomics research and precision medicine in Africa, as well as his company's response to COVID-19.

Key Takeaways

The following are a few of the main takeaways from COVID-19 Africa Watch’s conversation with Dr. Abasi Ene-Obong, CEO of 54gene:

  • Africa is the most genetically diverse continent on Earth, making it particularly important to undertake genomics research and explore the potential of precision medicine in Africa.
  • More and more Africans are leaving well-paying jobs in the US and UK to returning to their home countries to explore entrepreneurial opportunities there. There is a lot of optimism and momentum among young entrepreneurs who are shaping the future of Africa and who need active support from their governments, investors, and the international community.
  • 54gene launched in 2019 and in a year had already raised over $20 million, a first for a health tech startup on the continent. Looking ahead, it aims to continue building African talent so that African companies can actively participate in drug discovery and in bringing affordable precision medicine to Africa.

The interview was conducted by Oluwatoyin Alake, an IFC-Milken Institute Capital Market Scholar from The Nigerian Stock Exchange.

Note: This interview took place in Nigeria in the midst of the #EndSARS protest movement, in which young Nigerians are demanding government accountability and action against police brutality.
