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Interview with Gwen K. Young: Gender Impacts of COVID-19 in Sub-Saharan Africa

Interview with Gwen K. Young: Gender Impacts of COVID-19 in Sub-Saharan Africa

Gwen K. Young, President of Balance Up Leadership, talks to COVID-19 Africa Watch about COVID-19’s disproportionate impact on women and what governments and others can do to develop response plans that promote women’s economic and social wellbeing.

Key Takeaways

The following are a few of the main takeaways from COVID-19 Africa Watch’s conversation with Gwen K. Young, President of Balance Up Leadership and Vice President of Business Development & Global Consulting at Perch Perspectives:

  • In Africa, women represent about 60 to 70 percent of the labor force involved in food supply chains as well as about 70 percent of health workers.
  • Lockdowns have important impact on girls, including exposing them to abuse and increased risk of pregnancy. Girls education also suffers, which has long-term impacts on employment and income prospects.
  • Economic stimulus plans and other policy responses should be designed with women in mind, and this means women need to be part of the leadership teams making decisions.
  • Around the world, women have led successful response to COVID-19 because they have practice exemplary crisis communication defined by clarity, empathy, and inclusivity.

The interview was conducted by the Fatoumata Sanyang from the Office of the President of The Gambia, who is also an IFC-Milken Institute Capital Market Scholar
