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Registration for the 11th annual Asia Summit in Singapore September 18-20 is now open!

The Gig Economy: The Great Equalizer?

The Gig Economy: The Great Equalizer?

As a broader range of industries have joined the gig economy, multiple jurisdictions have confronted an essential question. Should workers in the gig economy be treated as employees, subject to expanded legal protections, or as independent contractors, responsible for a greater proportion of their own welfare? Some US states have adopted legal tests that require employers to treat most gig economy workers as employees, while others have specifically classified them as independent contractors. Meanwhile, many other countries—including an increasing number in the developing world—are beginning to confront the same question in political debates and legal proceedings. This panel will discuss the status of the issue in the United States and around the world. As other states and countries continue to debate new legislation, are they more likely to treat gig workers as employees or independent contractors? In the meantime, how do companies and workers manage their uncertain status, whether through specific changes in practice or through broad advocacy campaigns?


Ana Lucia Cepeda
Founder and CEO of Bolsa Rosa

Janine Berg
Senior Economist at the International Labour Organization

Shiyan Koh
Co-Founder and General Partner of Hustle Fund
