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October 19 at 11:30 am PDT / 2:30 pm EDT

Technology is the new frontier. The proliferation of microchips, artificial intelligence, and 5G (soon to be 6G) has catalyzed transformation across sectors and industries. At the same time, it has catapulted private corporations into the foreground of foreign policy, national security, and international diplomacy. Today, both public and private leaders must grapple with the real threats posed by bad actors in the digital world, to protect their people, their privacy, and their bottom line. Does this shift represent a momentary blurring of lines between the public and private? Or has it forever changed the state's role in corporate cybersecurity? How can companies manage the opportunities and risks of digital transformation? Ultimately, how do you lead, serve, and protect in a digital world?


Jim Sciutto
Anchor and Chief National Security Correspondent, CNN


Gary Cohn
Vice Chairman, IBM

Jane Harman
President Emerita, Wilson Center

Mike Hayes
Chief Digital Transformation Officer, VMware; Author, “Never Enough: A Navy SEAL Commander on Living a Live of Excellence, Agility, and Meaning”