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California’s Green and Blue Jobs

California’s Green and Blue Jobs

Despite significant advances in renewable energy, biotech, and life sciences jobs, the journey from generating breakthrough discoveries to creating accessible jobs across green and blue industries remains difficult to quantify. Industries and sectors tend to remain clustered in specific regions, often making it difficult to extend into new areas. And while some communities have made progress in attracting investment through less expensive labor and real estate, many are still looking for more secure pathways from innovation to quality employment. What must California do to ensure these green and blue job opportunities are readily available? What tools are needed for underserved populations to pursue and access career paths in these fields?


Nadia Lopez
Author, CalMatters 


Erik Antokal
Director of Workforce Development

Sam Appel
California State Manager, BlueGreen Alliance

Tim Rainey
Executive Director, California Workforce Development Board 

Rajinder Sahota
Deputy Executive Officer - Climate Change & Research, California Air Resources Board