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Registration for the 11th annual Asia Summit in Singapore September 18-20 is now open!

Thato Khaole

Thato Khaole

Investment Analyst, Futuregrowth Asset Management
Thato Khaole
Thato joined Futuregrowth in January 2015. Her responsibilities initially involved valuations, data and risk management support, and unlisted trading. Thereafter, Thato joined the investment team as an investment analyst. Her responsibilities include deal origination, investment analysis, and deal negotiation and structuring in both the listed and unlisted credit market, although her primary focus is on listed issuance. Thato’s deal portfolio has included securitisations and other structured products, and the automotive, retail, municipalities, healthcare, and water sectors. Thato was one of six candidates nominated to participate in Old Mutual’s year-long Investment Analyst Programme, which she successfully completed in 2018. In 2019, she was invited to speak on securitisation at Moody’s Sub-Saharan Africa Annual Summit.