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Ep. 19: First Things First, with Senator Rick Scott

Podcast Series

Ep. 19: First Things First, with Senator Rick Scott

Episode. 19 : First Things First, with Senator Rick Scott

Rick Scott

Rick Scott

U.S. Senator (R-Fla.)

 “If we do anything to get this economy going again, make it easy for the entrepreneurs in this country.”

As two-term governor of Florida, Rick Scott led his state through crises including hurricanes, mass shootings, and the Zika virus. Now, as a US Senator, he’s helping see the nation through COVID-19. While the roles are different, Scott’s philosophy is the same: he spends his days listening and helping people solve their problems. 
A champion of small business and entrepreneurship, his focus today is on reopening the nation safely, and he’s identified the immediate challenge: “The biggest thing we've got to chip away at right now, I think, is we’ve got to figure out this testing...because it's going to be hard to get this economy going without it.”