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Registration for the 11th annual Asia Summit in Singapore September 18-20 is now open!

Global Investors' View: Korea (Invite only)

Tuesday, May 7, 2024
Global Investors' View: Korea (Invite only)
2024 Global Conference
2024 Global Conference

Global Investors' View: Korea (Invite only)

Tuesday, May 7, 2024
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM PDT

Korea has emerged as a compelling destination for global investors seeking growth opportunities among advanced economies. With its high-tech, export-led companies, booming entertainment industry, steady consumer demand, and increasingly dynamic capital markets, Korea is well-positioned to provide new avenues to global business and financial institutions as the region continues to undergo transformations. But it is not without headwinds, including political disruptions, waning global demand, higher prices, and security concerns. Will Korea be able to align its advanced technology sectors with the next wave of innovations? How can global investors seize the opportunities in Korea’s evolving economy amid global headwinds?

Opening Remarks
Junghee Oh
Senior Associate, Business and Program Development, Asia, Milken Institute
Heenam Choi
Global Fellow, Milken Institute; CEO and President, CKD Holdings
David Lee
Head, Samsung Next; Executive Vice President, Samsung Electronics
Samuel Rhee
Co-Founder and Chairman, Endowus; Board Member, Naver Corp.
Songyee Yoon
President, NCSOFT; Founder, PVP