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As Alternatives Reign: The Start and End of Diversification (Invite only)

Tuesday, May 7, 2024
As Alternatives Reign: The Start and End of Diversification (Invite only)
2024 Global Conference
2024 Global Conference

As Alternatives Reign: The Start and End of Diversification (Invite only)

Tuesday, May 7, 2024
11:30 AM - 12:30 PM PDT

In portfolio management, the movement towards diversification across asset classes in portfolio management, risk controls and allocating to external alternative managers—popularized as “The Yale Model”—is now the norm, driving returns across the industry. For a framework originally developed to serve a university endowment with perpetual time horizon, its principles have been adapted and implemented across different investors and their mandates. In a world where institutional investors and asset managers are continually hunting for yield amid a difficult and volatile environment, what is the true value of diversification? Who is finding alpha and who is standing out from the crowd? Is it time to challenge the conventional assumption around capturing illiquidity premium?

Van Sternbergh
Senior Advisor, Blue Pool Capital
Damian Graham
Chief Investment Officer, Aware Super
Andreas Halvorsen
CEO, Viking Global Investors
Barbara Jesuele
Deputy Chief Investment Officer, J. Paul Getty Trust
Alice Ruth
CEO, Dartmouth College Investment Office
Andrew Weinberg
Founder and CEO, Brightstar Capital Partners