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Andrew Edgecliffe-Johnson

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Andrew Edgecliffe-Johnson

U.S. Business Editor, Financial Times
Andrew Edgecliffe-Johnson

Andrew Edgecliffe-Johnson is the US business editor of the Financial Times, leading its reporting and analysis of US business in an age of populism, policy upheavals and shifting expectations of corporate America. Until January 2018, Andrew was the FT's US news editor and an FT assistant editor, directing coverage for its digital and print editions for the Americas and managing a team of reporters from San Francisco to Washington. Before that, he was the FT's media editor for eight years, leading its global coverage of traditional and digital businesses from publishing and broadcasting to music and PR and writing the FT's Inside Media column. In 21 years with the FT in New York and London, Andrew has been deputy news editor, edited its management features section, covered mergers and acquisitions and consumer industries, and written for the influential Lex column.