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Ilfryn Carstairs

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Ilfryn Carstairs

Partner and Co-Chief Investment Officer, Värde Partners
Ilfryn Carstairs

Ilfryn Carstairs is a Partner and Co-Chief Investment Officer overseeing the global investment strategy for Värde. He co-chairs the firm's Investment Committee. Based in Singapore, he joined the firm in 2006. Ilfryn played a key role in building Värde's team and business in the European region. Through his career with the firm he has invested across a wide spectrum of financial assets ranging from corporate restructurings and liquidations to more actively traded opportunities, such as those stemming from the European financial and sovereign crisis. Prior to being named Co-Chief Investment Officer he served as Co-Head of Corporate and Traded Credit, managing Värde's liquid investing activities globally. Before joining Värde, Ilfryn worked for Deutsche Bank London in the Financial Sponsors Group, and Pacific Equity Partners, an Australian leveraged buyout firm. Ilfryn received a B.C. with First Class Honours from the University of Queensland, Australia and an M.B.A. from INSEAD, France.