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Center for Regional Economics and COVID-19

Center for Regional Economics and COVID-19
Regional collaboration, particularly among state and local policy makers, is key to meeting the economic needs of communities affected by the pandemic.

Regional Collaboration Is Key

The Center for Regional Economics has designed a response and recovery framework to help policymakers understand the benefits of regional collaboration for mitigating specific economic challenges and supporting broad-based recovery. We have focused on improving systems for allocating capital to the hardest-hit sectors of the economy, particularly small businesses. We are also guiding business owners on the proper course of action for protecting their economic health and that of their employees. 


Small businesses employed approximately half of US workers before the pandemic.


Congress appropriated $349 billion toward small business loans in March


The US Small Business Administration has a network of at least 1,800 approved lenders that process small business loans and intends to add more

The Vulnerable State of Hispanic Essential Workers in California

Hispanic essential workers in California earn lower wages, have less access to health care, and are less likely to work from home. How can we tackle these inequities?

Regional Response and Recovery Framework

Our policy recommendations are intended to help state and local ensure the current and future economic health of their communities. It is difficult to predict whether and how federal government intervention will effectively meet communities’ particular needs. Still, cities and counties cannot act to contain the spread of the virus nor limit its economic impact without explicit backing from state governments.

Featured LA Times Article
Hollywood production has shut down. Why thousands of workers are feeling the pain.