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Where the World Connects?: Annual Milken Institute Global Conference brings Tony Blair, Bill Gates, Al Gore and other leaders to Los Angeles

Press Release
Where the World Connects?: Annual Milken Institute Global Conference brings Tony Blair, Bill Gates, Al Gore and other leaders to Los Angeles

LOS ANGELES -- At a time when sustainable economic recovery still eludes many parts of the world, when the promise of scientific breakthroughs has created new hope for patients, and when trillions of dollars of cash that could spur new jobs sits on the sidelines, the 16th Milken Institute Global Conference brings together many of today's most innovative minds and distinguished leaders to focus on finding solutions to these and other pressing challenges.

More than 600 speakers, including major investors, CEOs, government officials, Nobel laureates, scientists, educators, philanthropists, and journalists, will take part in more than 140 sessions at the conference, which runs April 28 to May 1 at The Beverly Hilton. The wide-ranging panel topics include: climate change, global financial regulation, immigration, the future of philanthropy, the promise of the bioscience century— and dozens more.

"The Milken Institute utilizes its unique ability to convene leaders from across sectors and continents to extend our work addressing the core issues of access to capital, improving health care, and spurring job creation," says Mike Klowden, Institute CEO. "Our ability to bridge the words of business, finance and policy has never been more vital— and never more in demand."

Among this year's speakers:
• Marc Andreessen, Co-Founder and Partner, Andreessen Horowitz
• Madelyn Antoncic, Vice President and Treasurer, The World Bank
• Gary Becker, Nobel Laureate; Professor of Economics and Sociology, University of Chicago
• Tony Blair, Former Prime Minister, Great Britain and Northern Ireland
• Eric Cantor, U.S. Congressman and Majority Leader
• Francis Collins, Director, National Institutes of Health
• Barry Diller, Chairman and Senior Executive, IAC; Chairman and Senior Executive, Expedia, Inc.
• Niall Ferguson, Laurence A. Tisch Professor of History, Harvard University
• Bill Gates, Co-Chair and Trustee, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
• Al Gore, Former Vice President, United States of America
• Margaret Hamburg, Commissioner, U.S. Food and Drug Administration
• Jane Harman, Director, President and CEO, Wilson Center; former Congresswoman
• Earvin "Magic
? Johnson, Chairman and CEO, Magic Johnson Enterprises; NBA Hall of Famer
• Leslie Moonves, President and CEO, CBS Corp.
• Rupert Murdoch, Chairman and CEO, News Corporation
• Laurene Powell Jobs, Founder and Chair, Emerson Collective
• Harry Reid, U.S. Senator and Majority Leader
• David Rubenstein, Co-Founder and Co-CEO, The Carlyle Group
• Carlos Slim, President, Carlos Slim Foundation; President, Telmex Foundation
• Peter Theil, Partner, Founders Fund
• Antonio Villaraigosa, Mayor, City of Los Angeles

In addition to blog posts and videos of panels appearing on the Institute's site, all Global Conference panels will be shared through Twitter. (#2013GC). Complete information about the Global Conference, including a full program and a list of speakers confirmed to date, is available at

Note to media: Professional, full-time journalists representing widely consumed, business media organizations wishing to cover the Global Conference must use the media registration form on the website's registration page. You are not registered until your application has been approved and you receive email confirmation.
