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Milken Institute adds new talent to its finance expertise

Press Release
Milken Institute adds new talent to its finance expertise

LOS ANGELES - The Milken Institute, one of the world’s leading economic think tanks, has added important new expertise to its research staff and its network of senior fellows.

Keith Savard has joined the Institute as senior managing economist. Most recently Savard was the London-based director of economic research and chief economist with Samba Financial Group. Previously, he held positions at the Institute of International Finance, Zurich Scudder Investment, the U.S. Department of State and the Federal Reserve Board.

Announcing the appointment, Milken Institute chief research officer Ross DeVol said, "Keith brings keen insight of financial markets to our work, and invaluable experience in both public and private financial institutions.
? Savard will lead the Institte’9;s efforts in analyzing structural developments in global financial markets, including issues of financial stability, global asset allocation, systemic liquidity, credit conditions, and financial system development. He will also help analyze capital market legislative and regulatory issues relating to economic growth and financial innovation.

"I look forward to working with an exceptional staff and the many distinguished supporters of the Milken Institute, furthering its mission in the crucial area of international finance,
? said Savard.

Also joining the Institute this month as a Senior Fellow is Ross Levine. For the past seven years, Levine has been the James and Merryl Tisch Professor of Economics at Brown University. As of July 1, he is joining the University of California, Berkeley as the Willis H. Booth Chair in Banking and Finance.

Levine is a research associate at the National Bureau of Economic Research and a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. In addition to having published more than 100 articles in professional journals, he co-authored (with the Milken Institute's James Barth, along with Gerard Caprio of Williams College) the recently published Guardians of Finance: Making Regulators Work for Us. The Institute's DeVol stated, "Ross Levine brings a unique blend of understanding how financial markets operate and the implications for both entrepreneurial activity and economic growth.

"My professional life has been devoted to understanding how financial regulations and the operations of financial systems affect human welfare— as measured by the equality of economic opportunity, employment, poverty alleviation, and economic growth,
? said Levine. "I am thrilled to join the team at the Milken Institute, where I hope to help discover, develop and promote ideas that will enhance the lives of people around the world.

Senior Fellows are primarily university-affiliated academics or independent experts who conduct research in partnership with Milken Institute staff.
