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FasterCures Names K. Kimbely McCleary as Director of Strategic Initiatives

Press Release
FasterCures Names K. Kimbely McCleary as Director of Strategic Initiatives

WASHINGTON, DC— FasterCures, a center of the Milken Institute, today announced that K. Kimberly McCleary joined the team as director of strategic initiatives. McCleary will be leading the charge on key programmatic areas including FDA and how it evaluates risk and benefit for patients, and medical innovation and how we determine value and reimbursement.

Previously, she was President & CEO of the CFIDS Association of America for 22 years. At the CFIDS Association, she led efforts in research, policy, and awareness for chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). She has worked with leaders throughout the executive and legislative branches to develop, implement and oversee policy initiatives and has earned a stellar reputation as an effective patient advocate and keen policy strategist.

DRAT QUOTE: "We are delighted to have Kim as part of the FasterCures team to help us develop and implement impactful programs," said Margaret Anderson, executive director of FasterCures. "She brings a deep understanding of what it takes to mobilize patient communities, shape policies, and implement transformative initiatives."

McCleary helped found the Chronic Pain Research Alliance and joined with other leaders and Pfizer to establish the Campaign to End Women's Pain in 2010. She led the Partnering to End Pain project selected by Sanofi U.S. as a finalist in the 2012 Collaborate | Activate Innovation Challenge.

DRAFT QUOTE: "There's tremendous opportunity to improve the medical research system to better meet patients' needs," said McCleary. "I am thrilled to be joining the FasterCures team in creating patient focused programs that will make a difference."

Most recently, McCleary has participated in every opportunity organized by the FDA to shape its Patient-Focused Drug Development Initiative, including a range of consultations leading up the first of the 20 PFDDI workshops focused on CFS held in April 2013. With leaders in the narcolepsy community, she helped design and launch the Unite Narcolepsy initiative to educate, engage and empower narcolepsy patients and their advocates to participate effectively in the PFDDI meeting held in September 2013.

She is a graduate of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
