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Age-Forward 2030

Age-Forward 2030


By 2030, there will be more people over the age of 60 worldwide than there will be under the age of 10 The United States, like the rest of the world, is experiencing a demographic age shift that is both urban and distinctly diverse. Will your community be prepared?


The Milken Institute Center for the Future of Aging’s Best Cities for Successful Aging (BCSA) index compares and ranks the performance of 381 U.S. metropolitan areas in promoting successful aging. With a goal of sparking local, regional, and national discussion, the BCSA index generates virtuous competition among cities to improve the conditions that affect aging Americans. Recognizing the power of cities to change the landscape of aging and serve as incubators of innovation, the Center launched the Mayor’s Pledge in 2014 to encourage civic leaders to join the movement for purposeful, healthy aging.

Building upon the success of BCSA and the World Health Organization’s Global Network for Age-friendly Cities and Communities, Age-Forward 2030 challenges cities and communities prepare for an older, increasingly diverse, and economically stratified population by integrating population aging into strategies for economic growth, inclusion, and resiliency. The Age-Forward 2030 initiative will provide a roadmap for policymakers, business leaders, and urban innovators to enable purposeful, productive, and healthy aging and enhance urban livability for all. 

Age-Forward Priority Areas

Age-Forward Economic Development: How We Grow

• Prioritizing and providing forums to advance economic opportunities for successful aging in cities and communities.

• Harnessing data to demonstrate the shared value of age-forward programs to expand regional productivity, engagement, and purposeful activity.

• Promoting pathways for innovative public-private partnerships and other mechanisms to align with economic and/or sustainable development goals and realize the potential of older adults.

Age-Inclusive 21st Century Design: How We Build

• Designing for accessibility and remodeling existing infrastructure within increasingly multigenerational and non-traditional living environments to account for diverse lifestyles, cultural norms, and abilities.

• Leveraging existing smart city projects to incorporate age-friendly metrics that enable well-being across the life-course.

• Advancing multigenerational planning approaches that recognize the benefits of age-diversity in public spaces, transportation networks, and innovation districts.

Resilient Networks for Healthy Aging: How We Connect

• Experimenting with economic models and governance structures that align and coordinate incentives to create person-centered, integrated care for older adults, especially for those who are marginalized and/or have complex needs.

• Recognizing the potential of the Internet of Things and artificial intelligence to transform city networks and to strengthen security, independence, health, and well-being of older adults, supported by programs to bridge digital literacy gaps and invest in age-forward emergency preparedness strategies.

• Investing in policy solutions that actively deploy the human and social capital resources of older adults as community assets, neighborhood change agents, and co-creators.