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Mindfulness practices are proliferating across a range of fields and institutions, both domestically and globally. These practices support us in addressing challenges in personal health, relationships, workplace effectiveness and in reducing pain, anxiety, and depression. This conversation will explore how the mind and body connection is essential to cultivating a sense of serenity, presence and more powerful connections to ourselves and one another. Noted experts will discuss the benefits of a mindful approach to work, family, and community—fostering key practices that enhance success and fulfillment.


James Doty
Professor of Neurosurgery, Founder and Director, The Center for Compassion and Altruism Research and Education (CCARE), Stanford University School of Medicine



Neville Crawley
CEO, Kiva


Laura Dern
Actress; Activist


Donna Karan
Founder, Urban Zen and Donna Karan International


George Mumford
The Performance Whisperer Dan Siegel Clinical Professor of Psychiatry, UCLA School of Medicine; Founding Co-director, Mindful Awareness Research Center, UCLA