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Asia has undeniably made strides in economic growth since the 1997 Asian Financial Crisis, but spending on roads, railways, and other essential infrastructure has stagnated and remained depressed well below what's needed. The Asian Development Bank forecasts that Asia needs a whopping $26 trillion for infrastructure investments to sustain economic and income growth by 2030. However, challenges posed by political instability, underdeveloped capital markets, and the lack of alternative long-term private financing puts a pinch on finance projects.


Jonathan Woetzel, Director, McKinsey Global Institute; Senior Partner, Shanghai, McKinsey & Co.


Jose Rene D. Almendras, President and CEO, AC Infrastructure Holdings Corporation; Managing Director and Group Head of Public Affairs, Ayala Corporation

Saadia Khairi, Co-Head, Emerging Asia Fund, IFC Asset Management Company

Ben Way, CEO, Asia, Macquarie Group

Wencai Zhang, Vice President, Asian Development Bank