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The landslide electoral victory of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe in October solidified the Liberal Democratic party's control over parliament and legitimized its economic and financial policies. The administration is riding a wave of improving economic indicators and bullish market attitudes that have renewed public optimism and a sense of responsibility to global growth. With time to play the long game, Prime Minister Abe is expected to push structural reforms within the country and seek greater leadership in asserting security in the Asia-Pacific region. Government officials and business leaders from Japan will discuss the domestic and international policies we can expect to see in the next several years. Which business sectors are most promising for investors? Where are potential returns the greatest? Is sustained economic growth a long-term prospect?

Kotaro Tamura
Asia Fellow, Milken Institute; Chairman, Japan Intelligence Initiative; Former Senator and Parliamentary Secretary for Economic and Fiscal Policy, Japan

Lawrence Ho
Chairman and CEO, Melco Resorts & Entertainment

Daisuke Iwase
President, Lifenet Insurance Company

Mitsumaru Kumagai
Executive Managing Director and Chief Economist, Daiwa Institute of Research Ltd.

Aya Murakami
CEO, C&I Holdings

Takao Ochi
State Minister of Cabinet Office and Member of the House of Representatives, Japan