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How do commissioners balance allowing players to express themselves--often unfiltered, directly to fans--while upholding their leagues' reputations?
As fans increasingly opt for new forms of media, how are business models changing?
What role do sports play--and should play--in fostering global communities and expressing shared values?
What will the internationalization of North American leagues look like on a broader scale?

Jim Gray, Sportscaster, Showtime, Fox and WestwoodOne Radio

Gary Bettman, Commissioner, National Hockey League
Don Garber, Commissioner, Major League Soccer
Robert Manfred Jr., Commissioner, Major League Baseball
Adam Silver, Commissioner, National Basketball Association

On any given Sunday--or any other day of the week--global sports garner the intense scrutiny of millions of fans, media, fantasy-league enthusiasts, and many others. In today's interconnected world, the leaders who oversee these sports face more challenges than ever.