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For a number of years now, the dominant technology platforms such as Google and Amazon have been flirting with how they might be able to disrupt the health-care industry, a critical and growing economic driver badly in need of new ideas and more data-driven approaches. Now the landscape seems to be shifting somewhat: Tech companies' interest in health care seems to be extending in other directions, and more traditional large "platform" companies such as Walmart are getting into the game while embracing data and technology internally. What's driving these shifts, and what might be the impacts on our health?


Margaret Anderson

Managing Director, Deloitte Consulting



Tanisha Carino

Executive Director, FasterCures, a center of the Milken Institute


David Feinberg

Vice President of Healthcare, Google


Eric Lefkofsky

Founder and CEO, Tempus


Alex Moazed

Founder and CEO, Applico; Co-Author, "Modern Monopolies"


Robert Nelsen

Co-Founder and Managing Director, ARCH Venture Partners


Marcus Osborne

Vice President, Health and Wellness Transformation, Walmart