
How Isolationist Responses Lead to Nationalist Policies

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How Isolationist Responses Lead to Nationalist Policies

Friday, April 3 | 8:30 am (Singapore Time)

The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted our way of life, but humanity will survive, and societies will rebound. To prepare for the new normal after these disruptions, the Milken Institute’s Asia Center is hosting a series on “the world post-COVID-19.” In these discussions, we convene industry leaders, government officials, and health experts to talk about how this crisis will transform global economic, financial, and social relationships, and what opportunities will be presented in this new world order.

Read the Summary

Welcome and Introduction Remarks


Laura Deal Lacey
Executive Director, Milken Institute Asia Center



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Oriel Morrison
Former Anchor, CNBC International



Panel Experts and Speakers

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The Honorable Steven Ciobo
Former Minister of Trade, Tourism, and Investment of Australia and former Member, Australian House of Representatives; Milken Institute Asia Fellow

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Parag Khanna
Founder and Managing Partner, FutureMap and best-selling author of “The Future is Asian” and “Connectography: Mapping the Global Network Revolution”

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Jonathan McClory
General Manager, Asia, Portland Communications and author of “The Soft Power 30”