Lessons Learned from COVID-19 - FC
Middle East and Africa Summit 2023

Rebalancing Climate Finance Strategies for Resilient Adaptation and Mitigation (Invite only)


Study after study shows that the world will need at least US $90 trillion in new climate finance investment by 2050, expected losses from extreme weather could total many more trillions of dollars and millions of lost lives, and current decarbonization pathways and commitments are behind schedule. To meet these challenges, a new balance is needed in allocations of global climate finance investment between adaptation and mitigation. To ensure that private and international investment funding is available for long-term mitigation as new and promising decarbonization markets mature, it may be wise to think through re-balancing investment strategies toward frontline adaptation investment and co-benefit strategies that value GHGs and human and financial losses. This private session will bring together cross-sectoral innovators for a frank conversation of how adaptive investment strategies for both resilience and mitigation could work.   



    Dan Carol

    Senior Director, MI Finance, Milken Institute



    Barbara Buchner

    Global Managing Director, Climate Policy Initiative

    Richard Manley

    Chief Sustainability Officer, CPP Investments

    Hiromichi Mizuno

    Founder and CEO, Good Steward Partners, LLC

    Derek Rozycki

    Executive Director, Head of Responsible Investing, Mubadala Investment Company

    Alan Schwartz

    Executive Chairman, Guggenheim Partners