Future of Health Summit 2022

Part 2: The Future of the mRNA Revolution


Messenger RNA, or mRNA, has been a focus of research for scientists and drug developers for many years. It jumped to the forefront of the public consciousness when rapidly and successfully deployed as the platform for COVID-19 vaccines. The technology, however, promises to address a wider range of conditions, from cancers to cardiovascular disease to a broad array of infectious diseases. Learn more about the inner workings of mRNA and its promise as a treatment modality. 



    Matt Herper

    Senior Writer, Medicine, Editorial Director of Events, STAT



    Vinod Balachandran

    Member Researcher and Surgical Oncologist, David M. Rubenstein Center for Pancreatic Cancer Research

    Thomas Conlon

    Chief Scientific Officer, Michelson Philanthropies and the Michelson Found Animals Foundation

    Mark Feinberg

    President and CEO, International AIDS Vaccine Initiative (IAVI)

    Ansbert Gadicke

    Managing Partner, BioImpact Capital and Managing Director, MPM Capital

    Mary Marovich

    Director, Vaccine Program, Division of AIDS, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, National Institutes of Health