Lessons Learned from COVID-19 - FC
Middle East and Africa Summit 2023

The Global Impact of Emerging Cyber Technologies (Invite only)


In this session, experts will examine and aim to predict the positive and negative implications of cybersecurity for financial institutions, the corporate world, and international security. Assessing impacts ranging from everyday data breaches and email phishing schemes to the larger scope of cross-border misinformation campaigns and election meddling, panelists from academia, government, and tech will explore the implications of emerging cyber technologies for public and private sectors worldwide. 



    Suzanne Kianpour

    Co-Founder and Editor-in-Chief, Civil Films; Founder and CEO, Helmet to Heels



    Hoda Al Khazimi

    Director, EMARATSEC, NYUD; Chair on Cyber Security, GFC, WEF

    Matt Brady

    Guest Lecturer, Department of War Studies, King’s College London

    Jack Hidary

    CEO, SandboxAQ